Scholarship details Yayasan KLK, a foundation established by KLK, offers scholarships to high-achieving young Malaysians who are studying or have gain…
The Great Eastern Supremacy Scholarship Award is one of the leading programmes in the insurance industry. Every year since 1998, we have been the plat…
KUOK FOUNDATION BERHAD invites applications for the following scholarships / awards from Malaysian citizens applying for or currently pursuing full ti…
THE SCHOLARSHIP is offered to help develop, nurture and raise Malaysian talents. Through this Scholarship, aspiring young Malaysians are given the opp…
Bantuan ke IPT tau dikenali sebagai Dermasiswa Melanjutkan Pelajaran ke IPT adalah bantuan yang diberikan kepada pelajar yang mendapat tawaran untuk b…
KEN FOUNDATION was formed in 1995 as a charitable foundation with the objective of providing financial assistance to deserving Malaysian students. The…